
Prime Minister Pahor attends the Sustainable Energy Avenue

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the opening of the Sustainable Energy Avenue in the Ljubljana Heat and Power station and addressed the participants. In his address, he said that the awareness of the importance of the role of the environment in planning the future has significantly increased. This awareness should be welcomed and strengthened also in the future.  »Our common objective is clear and that is low-carbon economy«, stressed Prime Minister Pahor.


(Photo: Stanko Gruden/STA)


»Over the last two years, the conditions relating to the provision of funds for investments were subject to significant changes; in addition, the energy and electricity market changed dramatically«, pointed out the Prime Minister. The decisions for individual investments require much more attention, prudence, responsibility, entrepreneurial courage and visionary thinking. Renewable sources of energy coupled with more efficient energy use are a sine qua non on the way to considerable reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Slovenia, from the point of view of renewable energy potential, is a land of water and forests. Beside hydroelectric energy potential, wood is currently Slovenia’s most prospective renewable energy source, since Slovenia is one of Europe’s most forested countries. »I am pleased to see that the use of wood energy has increased in its volume also in our capital«, said Prime Minister Pahor and added that this constituted a major contribution to the fulfilment of national objectives from the environmental protection viewpoint.