
Prime Minister Pahor attends the opening of the ŠKIS Fair

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the opening of the ŠKIS (organisation of student clubs in Slovenia) Fair and addressed the students assembled. He invited them to enter a dialogue instead of delivering ultimata. “When I entered this office,” the Prime Minister said, “I promised decisions affecting not only the current generation, but also, and even more strongly, generations to come”.


(Photo: Kristina Kosec/STA)


He went on saying that he had always responded positively to students’ requests for dialogue, and that delivering ultimata will produce no winner. “Our Government respects students and for that reason it decided to allow 50 days to try to reach an agreement on scholarships, work and other issues that make for quality study. In the days to come we will have the opportunity to solve not only issues raised by the proposed act on mini jobs, but also other student issues”, he continued. Students' problems are, according to Pahor, also his problems and it is his responsibility to solve them. However, it will depend on the maturity of both, the students and the Government, whether or not a compromise is reached, as this will require a great deal of reason, consideration and mutual confidence.