
Prime Minister Pahor removes the security classification of a transcript

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, removed the classification CONFIDENTIAL from certain parts of the transcript of a meeting he had held with State Prosecutor General Brezigar, Higher State Prosecutor Zobec Hrastar and Minister of Justice Zalar on 19 March 2010. The classification was removed on 9 April 2010, in accordance with Article 15 of the Classified Information Act and having regard to a reasoned opinion concerning potential adverse effects on existing pre-trial criminal procedure, which was delivered by the Head of Specialised Department of the Group of State Prosecutors for Prosecution of Organised Crime, Higher State Prosecutor Dragica Kotnik.
The transcript is a record of a conversation held after a formal welcome; a recording of the meeting was proposed by Minister Zalar and agreed to by other participants.
The audio-taped record was transcribed by an employee of the Office of the Prime Minister. The transcription has not been authorised and participants have not checked the authenticity of the text.