
Prime Minister Pahor meets representatives of professional chimney sweeps

The Slovenian Prime Minister, Borut Pahor, and the Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Dr Roko Žarnić, today had a meeting with the representatives of the Chamber of Craft of Slovenia (OZS) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS) in the area of chimney sweep services. The purpose of the working meeting was to exchange views and information regarding open issues and the establishment of an appropriate dialogue between the representatives of the awarding authority and the concessionaires performing the chimney sweep service.


Minister Žarnić introduced to the representatives of the professional chimney sweeps two options to resolve the current situation: the consolidation of the concession system, including certain changes or adjustments to be undertaken by the concessionaires, or the preparation of an intervention act on chimney sweep service introducing a licensing system for the performance of chimney sweep services.


The meeting participants called for an attempt to consolidate the concession system in the coming months, while promising Prime Minister Pahor their constructive approach in seeking an agreement during further talks between the representatives of concessionaires and the representative of the awarding authority, i.e. the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.