
Prime Minister Pahor visits the Ministry of Defence

Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, visited the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia today; he discussed the situation in the field of defence with the members of leading teams of the Ministry and the army. At the press conference after his visit, Prime Minister Pahor expressed his satisfaction with the visit and discussions completed.


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


The Prime Minister went on to say “that the reason for my visit was to discuss with the Ministry leaders the ways to make a consensus on the further development of Slovenian defence system and consequently of Slovenian Armed Forces.” The defence field experiences numerous important changes requiring a broader social consensus and an expert assessment. In addition, Prime Minister Pahor pointed out conceptual problems linked to the relation between the administrative apparatus of the Ministry and the members of the Armed Forces as one of the problems experienced by the defence sector. In view of this, Prime Minister Pahor said that “this field requires certain reforms and harmonisation of relations in order to produce a professional army properly equipped, capable and motivated to perform its duties at home and in missions abroad, and an administrative apparatus small but motivated and expertly qualified enough to support all necessary administrative decisions of this army.”