
Prime Minister Pahor convenes Strategic Council for Energy

Today, Prime Minister Pahor chaired the second session of the Strategic Council for Energy. The session focused on information on the status of preparations for the National Energy Programme. Members of the Council presented their considerations concerning investments in the electricity sector. In his statement to the press after the session, Prime Minister Pahor announced that "the National Energy Programme will be prepared by the end of March, and the environment report will be prepared and submitted to international public for discussion in the first half of this year."


(Photo: Daniel Novakovič/STA)


Mr Pahor also said that he was optimistic regarding future work in this field and that the Government will be able to adopt a decision regarding investments in the field of energy in early autumn. Members of the council agreed to meet again several times before autumn, as the volume of energy investments and their environmental, economic, social and overall impact is extremely extensive. Concerning the investment in the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant (TEŠ 6), Prime Minister Pahor said that "the relevant decision was adopted some years ago and since then, more than 120 million euros have been invested in this project", adding that "council members agreed that all options concerning this investment had to be thoroughly examined to determine what will be the most reasonable strategic decision for the future of both TEŠ 6 and Slovenia."