
Prime Minister Pahor attends opening of the new Dinos plant

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the opening of the new Dinos plant for recycling and processing steel sheet at Naklo and addressed the participants assembled for the ceremony. In his address, Mr Pahor emphasised that Slovenia needs this type of investment in the production modernisation, as it can be inspiration to all those who are looking for new business opportunities. The new plant also features significant environmental aspects, as this investment "provides an answer to environmental issues of our time in a highly advanced and technologically accomplished manner," further emphasised the Slovenian Prime Minister.


(Photo: Matej Leskovšek/STA)


He went on by extending his congratulations to the management and said that "we all wish that there would be many more similar projects and achievements in the future. The Government will provide conditions in which economic operators with a business vision and strategy will also be able to realize them." At the close of the ceremony, Prime Minister Pahor, accompanied by the Chairman of the Dinos Management Board, Ivan Tkalec, made a tour of the steel sheet processing plant.


(Photo: Matej Leskovšek/STA)