
Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends the National Assembly’s nineteenth extraordinary session

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended the 19th extraordinary session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia and gave an introductory explanation to the Slovenian Exit Strategy 2010-2012. In his speech, Prime Minister Pahor emphasised that the exit strategy provides an “after-recession action plan of the Slovenian Government to consolidate the public finances, ensure economic growth, boost employment and, with green technology investments, become one of the countries with the most advanced sustainable development.”


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


Prime Minister Pahor continued by saying that it depends on the Slovenian political elite whether Slovenia becomes part of the most competitive, developed and open society or settles with the average. Slovenian politics should work as a team "since in the next few years we will be making decisions about the destiny of this country for two generations ahead." In adopting the legislation, based on the strategy, Prime Minister Pahor also expressed his readiness to cooperate with the opposition to the extent necessary. Concluding his speech and regarding the exit strategy and a developmental breakthrough in the following years, Prime Minster Pahor again stressed that “we should be the winners and develop an atmosphere in the society which would further inspire the winners among us and in our community.”