
Prime Minister Borut Pahor visits Milan and Venice

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, has been on an official two-day visit to the cities of Milan and Venice, Italy. During his visit, Mr Pahor first met with the Mayor of Milan, Letizia Moratti, with whom he discussed cooperation between Milan and Ljubljana.


(Photo: Ministrstvo za kulturo)


Prime Minister Pahor expressed Slovenia's support for Milan's candidacy for Expo 2015, while Mayor Moratti thanked him for his visit and said that she would be pleased to accept the Prime Minister's invitation to visit the Slovenian capital. Later in the visit, Mr Pahor met with the Governor of the Autonomous Region of Lombardy, Roberto Formigoni. Their talks particularly focused on economic topics and the increase of economic cooperation between Lombardy and Slovenia. Given the fact that economic cooperation is among the Slovenian foreign policy priorities, the two dignitaries agreed that cooperation in this area could be further enhanced. While highlighting the intensity of cooperation with the Autonomous Region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Prime Minister Pahor emphasised that Slovenia is making every effort to also strengthen cooperation with other Italian regions.


(Photo: Ministrstvo za kulturo) 

Mr Pahor then attended the opening of the Dei Gusti trade fair and addressed the participants assembled for this occasion. In his address he stressed that Slovenia is "putting aside" many more tourist jewels for Italian visitors. Due to the country's diversity, it is no wonder that, in terms of the incoming tourist market, Italy has been taking first place for several years, both according to the number of arrivals and overnight stays. "On the one hand, this development confirms a consistent upward trend regarding the number of tourists visiting Slovenia and, on the other hand, a greater visibility of our country as a tourist destination for Italian guests", emphasised the Slovenian Prime Minister.


(Photo: Ministrstvo za kulturo)

Returning to Ljubljana, Mr Pahor stopped in Venice where, accompanied by the Minister of Culture Majda Širca, he visited the exhibition of Zoran Mušič who is considered the most renowned artist of Slovenian origin in the second half of the 20th century in Europe.  Prime Minister Pahor and Minister Širca then paid a visit to the artist's widow, Ida Cadorin, who is also author of an exclusive exhibition entitled "Estreme figure" and organised on the occasion of the centenary of Mušič's birth. The majority of the exhibited works, about 90 paintings and sketches, has been publicly displayed for the first time.

(Photo:Ministrstvo za kulturo)