
Prime Minister’s press conference

At a press conference today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government at its 57th regular session. Mr Pahor first answered a question about his visits to the management of Slovenian Railways and emphasised that he intends to continue these visits in the future. "There are several strategic decisions ahead of us," said Prime Minister Pahor, adding that "tomorrow, I will be introduced to the assessment of the situation and possible solutions for the future of Slovenian Railways."


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


At today’s session, the Government also agreed the text of the proposed Act on Salaries of Managerial Staff Employed in Companies Owned by the Republic of Slovenia and Self-governing Local Communities. While consistent with the Government measures adopted to mitigate the impact of the financial and economic crisis, the proposed act regulates the salaries of top management in these companies and lays down rules to be considered by members of supervisory bodies in concluding employment agreements. The provisions of the proposed act apply to companies that are directly or indirectly majority-owned by the Republic of Slovenia or self-governing local communities. The proposal aims at establishing a unified system of salaries and rights.


The Government also discussed the platform for the Slovenian delegation in the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Copenhagen from December 7 to 18, 2009. As confirmed by the National Assembly, Slovenia has already defined its positions and priorities. As part of the EU, Slovenia naturally advocates an almost identical position to the entire EU. On certain points, however, on which internal agreement has not yet been reached, there are still differences between individual Member States. Alongside other line ministries, the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning has drafted a document elaborating all major topics included in the negotiation process, and Slovenia's position towards them. The main political goal of Slovenia and the EU for Copenhagen is the adoption of an ambitious global agreement to support reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the medium and long term, with the aim of limiting the increase of the average global temperature. This agreement should be based on the principle of shared but varied responsibility, taking into account the right of every country to sustainable development. The second important segment of the agreement is financial in nature. Its essence is provision of financial means to developing countries for activities related to the limitation and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and adaptation to the impact of climate change. Slovenia has called for the introduction of a system that will facilitate adequate, predictable, effective and fair funding of these matters.


(Photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


The Government also agreed on the text of the proposed Act amending the Management of the Genetically Modified Organisms Act. The proposed amendments are required for full implementation of the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The amendments provide for more effective implementation of the law, particularly covering regulation and a clear delimitation of competences in the area of supervision, the extension of the scientific committees on contained systems, the deliberate release into the environment of GMOs and placing of products on the market, and the obligation to keep an operational logbook for recording a deliberate release into the environment of GMOs. In order to provide for improved efficiency, the proposed law would also comprehensively regulate extraordinary events and accidents, and would introduce a link with environmental responsibility.