
Prime Minister's press conference

At a press conference today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, outlined the major resolutions and decisions adopted by the Government at its 48th regular session. He opened by elaborating on an agreement regarding the missing parcel of land necessary to complete the construction of the motorway section in the Dolenjska region, which was signed this week with Srečko Lužar. "We have arrived at a solution to the problem that DARS and the parties involved had been trying unsuccessfully to resolve for three years," stressed Mr Pahor, thanking, in particular, the State Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister, Rado Genorio, for his help in resolving this issue.


(Foto: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)


At today’s session, the Government also adopted the proposed act on development assistance to the Pomurje region in the period 2010–2015, which is to be submitted to the National Assembly for discussion. The act aims to create new conditions for restructuring through a programme approach and provision of funding for development assistance to the Pomurje region from new and existing programmes. The proposed act strengthens the principles of the welfare state by promoting harmonised regional development and economic restructuring of the region, which is facing structural problems.  The proposed act lays down the following measures: a programme to foster the competitiveness of the Pomurje region in the period 2010¬–2015 amounting to EUR 30 million, tax relief for investment, priority treatment of programmes and projects in the Pomurje region competing for funds from national programmes, and setting up a government project office in the Pomurje region.


Prime Minister Pahor noted his satisfaction at the adoption of the proposed act, stressing that "the act aims to help the Pomurje region in every possible way." He added that the Government is scheduled to pay its first working visit to the Pomurje region. By visiting regions, the Government will continue the practice adopted during the previous Government’s term of office. "I will visit the Mura company, its partners and the new management; we will discuss what else can be done to strengthen existing business partnerships and develop new ones," he said.


At the end of the press conference, Prime Minister Pahor informed the public of the state of play regarding the initialling of the Slovenia-Croatia border arbitration agreement and of a large business conference to be held on 23 October 2009 in Zagreb, hosted by the Slovenian and Croatian ministers of the economy.  "The Croatian Prime Minister and I will take the opportunity to address businessmen from Slovenia and Croatia and those participating as third partners," he concluded.