
Prime Minister Pahor Meets with Representatives of Roma Community Council and Roma Association of Slovenia

On the occasion of International Roma Day, celebrated on 8 April, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Mr Borut Pahor, received representatives of the Council of the Roma Community of the Republic of Slovenia and the Roma Association of Slovenia.


(Foto: Tina Kosec/Bobo)


Prime Minister Pahor expressed his satisfaction with the level of cooperation and common efforts in achieving specific advances in relation to resolving open issues concerning the Roma community. He went on to emphasise that, particularly in a period of recession, we should all strive for tolerant dialogue, thus contributing to the sense of coexistence among all inhabitants of the Republic of Slovenia.


The President of the Council of the Roma Community of the Republic of Slovenia and the Roma Association of Slovenia, Mr Jožek Horvat, said that in the period following Slovenia's independence some issues regarding the Roma community have been successfully resolved. However, the Roma wish to see faster progress, particularly in the area of implementation of legal provisions governing the status of Roma inhabitants. Among other issues, the representatives of the Roma community especially highlighted the legalisation of housing facilities and settlements, as well as the area of employment and education.