
Prime Minister Borut Pahor attends informal meeting of EU heads of state and government

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today attended an informal meeting of the heads of state and government of all 27 EU Member States, held in Prague. The meeting was also attended by the President of the United States of America, Mr Barack Obama. Today’s meeting of European Union leaders focused on several topics: namely, on the consequences of the financial and economic crisis, global financial structure, climate and energy. Part of the discussion was also devoted to security and military cooperation.


(Foto: Tina Kosec/Bobo)


After the meeting, the Prime Minister said that the EU and the United States share a common interest in cooperating on the issues discussed, and added that differences existed but were not insurmountable. “I believe that today’s meeting sends an important message to the people we represent. The world is in the midst of a financial, economic, ethical and maybe even a security crisis. But political leaders are capable of facing those challenges in a dedicated, unselfish and solidary way to the benefit of the international community,” said Mr Pahor.


He also expressed his satisfaction over the talks held to resolve the outstanding issues between Slovenia and Croatia. Mr Pahor stressed his moderate optimism regarding the situation. “I am very satisfied with the talks because now I believe even more strongly that Commissioner Rehn’s proposal will remain on the table in the coming days. Croatia will have to respond to it, and that response will enable us to evaluate the leeway to negotiate a reasonable compromise that will also protect Slovenia’s national interests and would receive political support if negotiated all the way through,” he said.