
Slovenian parliamentary parties united on Croatia

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, today held a meeting to exchange views on the current relations between Slovenia and Croatia with the presidents of the Slovenian parliamentary parties and the parliamentary deputy of the national community.


(Foto: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)


After the meeting, the Prime Minister presented the following three conclusions:


On the occasion of the intergovernmental conference to be held on 18 and 19 December 2008, Slovenian Foreign Minister Samuel Žbogar has empowered Slovenia's EU Ambassador, Igor Senčar, to communicate the view of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, namely, that with regard to the Croatia-EU accession negotiations, Slovenia agrees with the opening of one negotiation chapter and the closing of three negotiation chapters. Slovenia has expressed its reservation about seven negotiation chapters wherein the Croatian Government has submitted documents which are prejudicial with regard to the delimitation of the border between Slovenia and Croatia. Regarding the rest of the four chapters, Slovenia has expressed other substantive reservations.


Slovenia expresses its interest in the successful completion of negotiations between the Republic of Croatia and the European Union, and is hopeful that already in the period of the Czech EU Presidency all reservations which forestall Slovenia from giving its agreement to opening and closing negotiation chapters within the intergovernmental conference framework can be lifted.


(Foto: Bor Slana/Bobo)


The Republic of Slovenia Government intends to draft a proposal of Slovenia's Position regarding further strategy on the open issues between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Croatia concerning delimitation of the frontier between the two countries, and will submit it to the National Assembly for discussion and adoption.


At the mentioned meeting, the Government side outlined their activities for drawing up the first package of measures for overcoming the financial uncertainty.