
Slovenian Government holds its first consultation session

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia, chaired by Prime Minister Borut Pahor, held its first consultation session today. The ministers decided to adopt the package of measures for mitigating the adverse effects of the economic crisis this Thursday. The final draft of the proposals will be made by the crisis group of ministers on Monday and Tuesday, while on Wednesday it will be additionally examined by the Strategic Economic Council and the Economic and Social Council. Heads of the parliamentary parties will also be notified of this package of measures, and the Prime Minister expects that by the middle of this week the trade unions and employers will also engage in resolving the current situation by providing their respective memoranda.


(Photo: Bor Slana)


It will be clear by next Wednesday whether they will decide from among the proposed measures to give their agreement to a reduction in employers' rates for social contributions or to tax relief. The Slovenian Prime Minister promised that, in any event, all views regarding the proposed measures would be considered and that, if necessary, the Government will take another day or two for deliberations in order to arrive at the best and final solutions.


Prime Minister Pahor also said that he was not opposed to the proposal of the opposition to convene an extraordinary session of Parliament on lessening the economic and financial uncertainty, if the aim was finding the best solutions for a common future and not mutual accusations.