Prime Minister Janez Janša to Attend the European Council

On Thursday 8 and Friday 9 March 2007, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, will be attending the European Council meeting in Brussels. The meeting will focus on the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Employment, better regulation, and energy policy and climate protection. The Slovenian PM will be accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Dimitrij Rupel, and the Minister of Finance, Dr Andrej Bajuk.


With regard to the Lisbon Strategy, the heads of states and governments will discuss the Commission's Annual Progress Report, assess the national reform programmes prepared by member states in accordance with the goals laid down in the new Lisbon Strategy, and confirm their commitment to the Strategy's key priorities. They will also discuss the encouragement of innovation and research, which is of the utmost importance for ensuring the competitiveness of the European economy.


With regard to energy policy, the European Council will be invited to adopt an EU Energy Action Plan containing concrete measures that are in line with the goals of European energy policy: reliable supplies, competitiveness, and sustainable resources.


The heads of states and governments will also discuss the significance of the timely signing of international agreements on climate change after 2012, and the leading role of developed countries in reducing emissions of greenhouse gasses.


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, and the Minister of Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Marjeta Cotman, will also attend the Tripartite Social Summit, which will focus on three items on the Council's agenda: knowledge and innovation, adaptability and flexible security, and improved legislation and the integrated impact assessment.


On this occasion, the PM Janez Janša will also attend the Summit of the European People's Party.


Thursday, 8 March 2007


The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attends the Tripartite Social Summit


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels



The Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attends the Summit of the European People's Party


Venue: Bouchout Palace, Nieuwelaan 38, Meise




Press Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia


Venue: in front of Bouchout Palace



Arrival of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia at the seat of the European Council, where he will be greeted by the German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel, who currently presides over the European Council, and the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels



Meeting of members of the European Council with the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Poettering


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels



First session of the working meeting of the European Council


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels



Group photo of members of the European Council


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels



Working dinner of heads of governments of member states


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels


22.00 (tbc)

Press Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia


Venue: press room of the Republic of Slovenia, Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels


Friday, 9 March 2007


Second session of the working meeting of the European Council


Venue: Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels


13.00 (tbc)

Press Statement by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia


Venue: press room of the Republic of Slovenia, Justus Lipsius Palace, Brussels




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