Prime Minister Janez Janša: "The knowledge-based development of society is the only correct and possible future for Slovenia."

Today, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, attended the inaugural conference of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) on research, technological development and demonstration activities in Slovenia. In his address, he stressed that the FP7 represented the future of research – the basis for faster development of the European Union and, along with it, Slovenia. He said that such an ambitious programme of research funding reflects the fact that the EU is keenly aware of the significance of knowledge for economic growth and development, as well as which areas it lags behind the USA and Japan.


(Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)


Even before Slovenia became a full member of the EU, its researchers had successfully participated in the framework and other programmes of the EU. "In so doing, you helped to open the doors to our common cultural, scientific, economic, political, and monetary European area. Here, we can also be confident because of your ambition, success, and recognition," said the PM, adding that it is due to Slovenian researchers that Slovenia remains a net recipient of EU funds for this field.


According to the Mr Janša, in comparison with FP5 and FP6, Slovenia is now in a much better position, since it has defined its development priorities, it knows what it wants, and has the necessary experience and opportunity to realise its goals in the company of the best. He is also convinced that the FP7 will encourage all Slovenian researchers to share and realise their ambitions in collaboration with others in Europe and elsewhere.


Mr Janša stressed that the problems Slovenia is facing are not dissimilar with those in Europe, as both Slovenia and Europe are lagging behind the USA and Japan in terms of funds that industry provides for research and development, the overall percentage of researchers in the labour force, and patents. "The situation in Europe is paradoxical, as there is vast knowledge, but unfortunately, few, too few companies and enterprises are capable of translating this knowledge into viable products, services, and solutions," said the Mr Janša.


Prime Minister Janez Janša and European Comissioner dr. Janez Potočnik, who also attended the conference (Photo: Arsen Perić/Salomon 2000)


The Slovenian PM suggested that Slovenian companies would use development aid to collaborate in framework programmes, and motivate researchers to help Slovenian companies enter international consortiums. This is not merely a matter of the know-how generated there. It is also a matter of business opportunities, opening markets, and establishing contacts with the best European hi-tech companies, which meet at numerous events organised by project consortiums with to exchange experience.


The Government of the Republic of Slovenia is keenly aware of its goals. All governmental strategic and reform documents are aimed at improving the quality of life of its citizens, and attaining a more competitive and successful economy. It takes a long-term effort by the whole of society to achieve significant development breakthroughs. Slovenia firmly believes that the knowledge-based development of society promoted by the Seventh Framework Programme on research and technological development is the only correct and possible future for Slovenia," Mr Janša concluded.


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