Statement by the Prime Minister Janez Janša on the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001


It is now five years since the terrorist attacks on the USA in which many innocent people were killed. These attacks brutally alerted humanity to the security situation of the modern world. On 11 September 2001 saw the end of the era in which a large part of the world's population believed that after the end of Cold War there would be lasting peace and stability.


It became evident that the demographic, developmental, intercultural and other issues which accompany globalisation can become alibis for different extremist groups who use any means to implement their goals. While the reasons for terrorism are indeed complex, none of them justifies endangering innocent lives. Therefore, the brutality of the attacks five years ago prompted the international community to confront such terrorist threats with greater determination.

The entire international community must fight terrorism together at all levels. There is no universal method that is appropriate for all forms of terrorism. However, against all forms, a proactive approach is needed, as it raises the level of security and also sends an important message to all terrorist groups: the civilised world will not show leniency when confronting their violence and criminal actions.


The method of modern terrorists is to strike at the weakest points. Due to the interconnectedness of today's world, weak targets can be found almost anywhere, particularly in the developed world. It is mistaken and dangerous to think that countries not involved in the war against terrorism face no terrorist threats. Passive conduct merely encourages terrorists to continue to act in complete opposition to everything that humanity has created. 


The synergy of efforts invested by a number of international organisations such as the UN, EU, NATO, the OSCE, CE, various regional partnerships, and individual nations, presents an invaluable contribution to an efficient anti-terrorist struggle.


From the very beginning, Slovenia has participated in the enhanced efforts of the international community to eliminate the causes for the emergence of terrorism, and supports the eradication of the terrorist threat within the said framework. Members of the Slovenian Armed Forces participating in initiatives of the international community in unstable areas of the world testify to Slovenia's commitment to the common goal of a free environment. It is these unstable areas that are the most suitable grounds for disseminating extremist ideas and developing a terrorist infrastructure, so Slovenia's support for promoting security and stability is the best contribution to the global war on terrorism. The multifaceted character of this war demands that Slovenia's contribution be an integration of political, economic and development factors, and defence and security mechanisms.


Slovenia will persist in the struggle against terrorism with the rest of the freedom-loving world, and closely collaborate with countries that share the fundamental values and principles of democracy, respect for human rights, and the rule of law.


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