Prime Minister Janša: Agreement on bilingual signposts is a step in the right direction; we cannot, however, be completely satisfied

''It is about solving the issue, which has remained unsolved for decades. During that time, it was a question of all or nothing. Since the minority ended up with more or less nothing, we welcome this proposal as a step in the right direction. However, it is not a solution with which we can be completely satisfied,'' Prime Ministed Janez Janša stated in his first response to the news of an agreement on bilingual place names on signposts in Austrian Carinthia. He stressed that the agreement includes the vital 'openness' clause that provides for the possibility for further solutions.

Photo: BOBO


According to the Prime Minister, signposts are important, but not vital. ''What is vital is the situation of the Slovenian minority, what enables the Slovenian minority to survive and not assimilate. With regard to this, we must stress the progress made in recent years, when more money has been allocated for bilingual kindergartens, and bilingual schools, and the number of people in Carinthia learning Slovene has risen,'' he said.


With regard to the Austrian State Treaty, the PM believes that this is an international agreement which cannot be unilaterally amended by one of the signatories, and with regard to Slovenia's notification of succession to the Austrian State Treaty, the PM addressed the question to those who had governed the state for twelve years, but failed to do this. However, according to the PM, this does not change the fact that the Slovenian state has been, and will remain, the protector of Slovenian minorities not only in Austria, but also elsewhere, in all neighbouring countries, and that in recent years significant progress had been made in this field.


The PM expressed hope that a broader consensus would be reached in the minority organisations in Austrian Carinthia, and assessed that the meeting with minority representative at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had been fruitful, as views had been somewhat reconciled. ''As long as the minority remains divided, those who do not wish to solve the issue, will have an easy task,'' he added.


In his response to the agreement on bilingual signposts in Austrian Carinthia, the PM also addressed the criticism of the biggest opposition party, the LDS, by saying that those who were most vociferous, had had decades of opportunity to resolve the issue, but had failed to advance even as much as a millimetre.


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