Prime Minister Janez Janša: European Union with ambitious goals for the future

The present meeting of the European Council in Brussels was dedicated to economic and social issues, more precisely, to the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy.  The main topics addressed by the European heads of government and state included: innovation, economic growth, employment and energy. At a press conference following the European Council meeting, Prime Minister Janez Janša noted that this summit of the European Union, with the conclusions adopted, poses some new challenges for Slovenia. “At the national level no changes will be required concerning growth and employment, since certain of our national objectives are even more ambitious than the overall European ones. However, certain adjustments will be necessary in energy policy, and this represents a challenge,” believes Mr Janša.




Slovenia will have to make a considerable effort to attain two of the set targets in energy, namely to increase the share of renewable energy to 15% and biofuel to 8% by 2015, and to provide an energy saving of 20% by 2020.


Today, the heads of government and state thus set ambitious goals. In the field of economic activity the share of R&D should rise to 3% of GDP by 2010. Concerning incentives for potential businesses, the establishment of “one-stop shop” procedures was highlighted, which by 2007 would enable an enterprise to be set up in one week. In the field of employment the EU set a target of 10 million new jobs by 2010 and the introduction of mechanisms for young people to find jobs or attend additional training after they have completed their studies, within six months by 2007 and within four months by 2010.




Among these ambitious goals Mr Janša also listed energy policy. “For the security of supply we agreed on a joint approach to foreign suppliers, we approved the establishment of an internal market in electricity and gas by mid-2007, we forecast a 20% energy saving by 2020 and set concrete targets for renewables,” said Mr Janša, adding “but of course national sovereignty is preserved in the selection of the energy combination.” 



With respect to the wave of protectionism that has recently engulfed certain Member States, Mr Janša is convinced that protectionism has an adverse effect on the establishment of the internal market. “With its entry into the European Union, Slovenia became more open than some of the old Member States; but something will have to be done to this end also in the future. Slovenia will act if it is to its benefit,” concluded Mr Janša.


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