After the informal EU meeting in Sintra the Prime Minister Janez Janša is optimistic

Between 11 and 13 May 2007, at the invitation of the President of the European Commision, José Manuel Barroso, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Janez Janša, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of Portugal, José Sócrates, and the President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, attended an informal EU meeting in Sintra, Portugal, where they discussed the strategic priorities of the presidency "trio" and the current situation in the EU.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)

After the meeting the Slovenian PM said it had been a good opportunity to exchange views on the majority of the current issues. "I am convinced that the relaxed atmosphere which was formed at this meeting will help in finding adequate solutions to the challenges we face today," said Mr Janša, adding that the meeting, which may become traditional, was a step forward after EU enlargement.

(Photo: Kristina Kosec/Bobo)

With regard to finding a solution to the current institutional crisis in the EU, the Slovenian PM said that Slovenia's interest in resolving this issue as soon as possible, preferably at the June meeting of the European Council, is twofold. "Firstly, because we are part of the European Union and therefore we need a suitable solution. Secondly, because we will preside over the EU next year, and this task can be carried out more easily if the solution is already on the table," said the PM. He also said that the German presidency was tackling the problem in the right way, which was encouraging. "Despite this, we remain realistic. We will try to take the greatest possible step forward. If this cannot be resolved completely at the June summit, all of the following presidencies will try to find the best possible solution," said the PM.

Mr Janša also explained that there was a high level of agreement with regard to the content of the European constitution. "What it is to be called is irrelevant," said the PM, adding that with regard to the content the situation is significantly better than it was one year ago. "This does not mean that there are no disagreements; however, it is almost completely clear what they are and into what we willl have to put additional effort." The PM believes that the current situation is encouraging. "Naturally, I remain optimistic, but there are no guarantees that the project will be completely succeessful."

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